Monday, May 30, 2011

A quick recap of Memorial Day weekend 2011. Photos to come....

-6 hour drive Friday to get to the north shore.
-Grilling by dada on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
-Babyroo's first international trip (to Canada)
-Happening upon the kite flying festival in Thunder Bay, Canada
-Lake Superior (need I say more?)
-Playing in the lodge while it rained
-Two state parks
-Two gorgeous waterfalls
-Best. Massage. Ever!!!
-Cabin fever!

It was a great weekend away!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Yesterday's daycare quote of the day from one of the teachers to a two year old toddler:

"Not all people are mommys".

This said as a dad walked by and the toddler said mama.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Canada geese are annoying. They are everywhere, they are messy, and they are just plain mean...especially when they have their little goslings by them. But, there was a moment the other day when I felt bad for them. I am not sure what they were thinking, but obviously humans were interferring with their intentions.

I was driving back to work from a meeting in downtown Minneapolis along I-394. For those of you who don't live in Minnesota, this is a busy, busy freeway area. About halfway back to the office I noticed flashing lights and thought there was just a stalled car, someone that got pulled over, or something other random. As I got closer and closer I finally noticed that a mama, dada, and baby goose family was walking as fast as they could along the shoulder of the freeway....the inner shoulder of the freeway next to the median. It was at that moment, as a mother, all I could think about was that poor goose family.

I don't know what happened, nor am I likely never to know what happened. I hope it was all good. With a FIRST response truck helping them along I am hoping for the best....even if they are annoying birds.....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

We've had a buildup of old (meaning a few months worth) of photos on the camera again. James has taken to editing them, but I haven't yet received the actual photos yet. So, in order to get them, I've relegated to copying them from his Facebook the quality isn't quite as good.

Let me add...that these are photos by mama taken at the end of February.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Sunday we celebrated my first mother's day. A wonderful breakfast of pancakes, a fresh bouquet of roses, a family trip to the landscape arboretum, followed by afternoon naps for all filled our first lazy Sunday together in four weeks. What a wonderful day!

Despite being cold, windy, and rainy, here are a few pictures of our time at the arboretum.

The best picture is yet to come...but you may have to wait for it as it may be our Christmas photo.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dada's coming home

It's been a long four weeks, but today, after much counting down, James is coming home! Tabitha's excited for dancing with dada, kisses from dada, and reading/playing with dada. Mama's excited for a break, for kisses from dada (James), and for someone else to get up when she happens to get up in the middle of the night (which I think was twice in the past four weeks). Fred's excited for attention, the stretch and roll, for attention, and did I mention attention.

We are all so excited!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The magical laughing book

This book (thanks Tina!) has magical laughing spells that only come out at certain times....usually not at the most appropriate times, either. The past few weeks at church I've taken this book for Tabitha to read. See, it's not that funny of a book when we are at home; however, when it comes out at church, it has magical laughing spells it puts on babies.

The first time I showed it to her at church it was during the sermon. Yes, it was quiet, it was Palm Sunday, and there she was laughing up a storm because of this book. This past week I took it again to church (mainly to see if it was really that funny). Sure enough, during the children's sermon this time (so thankfully it wasn't as quiet), the book's magical laughing spells came out again.

At least I am surrounded by people with other kids, so they think it is rather amusing as she begins to giggle away.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A post by Tabitha

Today is Tabitha's 9 month birthday, so she wanted to share something with all of you!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tabitha helped me to sort the mail on Monday. She organized it into several for ads about household products, one for ads for restaurants, and one for junk mail. She takes after her mama for being organized. least she didn't try to eat them like she normally does!

Monday, May 2, 2011

In addition to her own toys, Tabitha loves to play with Fred's toys. I am not sure what the fascination is with them, but she surely enjoys them...especially the fishing pole.

When she was smaller, she used to sit on our laps while we played the game with Fred. This would entertain her as she would watch Fred run back and forth like a buckaroo.

One day I was playing this game with Fred, and needed to get up and get something. Tabitha was sitting next to me, and when I got up it didn't occur to me that she might try and play with Fred's toy. Of course she reached right for it after I got up, but I soon saw that instead of playing with the toy, she was trying to get Fred to play with the toy. I was able to capture a few pictures of her and Fred playing together!