Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16 really isn't a day that most people remember, unless of course you were born that day, were married, or there was some other traumatic or maybe exciting event. March 16, 2010 probably won't be a date that I'll always remember but just a year later it's still fresh in my mind.

I remember sitting at a seminar for work when all of a sudden it felt like my muscles in my stomach were twitching. I didn't think much of it, but as it kept happening throughout the day I finally came to the realization of what was going on....that little baby inside of me was kicking and I could feel it! It was probably at that moment that I realized that this little thing existed...something that the initial ultrasound and even hearing the heartbeats couldn't do for me.

For the next 3.5 months after that first kick I think that I could probably feel everything else. As Tabitha has gotten bigger I now understand why it felt like she never slept when she was inside me. She's such an active little girl...always moving around, looking to pick up something, move somewhere else, or jump in her jumparoo.

While I probably won't remember this date forever it holds a special place in my heart for now.

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