Sunday, March 6, 2011

James told me that this blog is turning into Tabitha's blog. Well, what can I say, our time and life is consumed with not much other than Tabitha. There isn't much to share in the world of James and Elise, and with Tabitha changing every day, well, her life is much more exciting.

But, for those of you wondering, here's what James and I have been up to lately:

  • Work
  • Taking Tabitha to daycare
  • A couple of date days (while Tabitha was at daycare...oh how guilty I felt!)
  • Snowblowing
  • Clearing the snow off of the roof
  • Longing for a vacation
  • Work
  • Laundry
  • Working on the "man cave"
  • Changing diapers (especially yesterday)
  • Getting over one cold after another
  • Work
  • Spending hours at the bank only to try and figure out later what they really changed (although they claimed they changed something, but what we can't figure out)
  • Snowblowing some more
  • Singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "If you are Happy and You Know It", "The Wheels on the Bus", etc.
  • Playing with blocks
  • Work

Well, from that list you get a sense of why I no longer blog about us.....

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