Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Gerber Baby?

More than once, we've had people comment that Tabitha has the look of the Gerber baby. I guess it's the big blue eyes that do it. Of course we think that she is the most adorable thing on the planet (well, her and Fred that is).

One of my all time favorite pictures of Tabitha (to date that is!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

We are home "sick" today. Because Tabitha was running a fever yesterday, we are required to stay home from daycare for 24 hours...therefore, Tabs and I are hanging out. She's feeling much better today though. How do I know this....let's count: 1) She is making goofy sounds as we write this 2) She only took a 30 minute nap this morning instead of the 3-1 hour naps yesterday 3) She rolled around the living room floor in search of new toys 4) She's smiling again.

Here's what Tabitha has to say about feeling better: 89u9999999999999999pkkmjh

Sunday, March 27, 2011


We decided that it is time that Tabitha got a passport. With us, you never know when we may decide that we want to go somewhere, and knowing that Canada is so close, that it was probably best that we have something for Tabitha.

While we were at the AAA store getting a passport photo for Tabitha (which is a trick in and amongst itself), Tabitha and her daddy did a little cruising around the aisles to try and find some good places to go.

Hum...where to go????

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm so big!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Happy birthday to my wonderful husband!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yesterday was our first real swimming lessons with Tabitha. She had a blast...the little fish that she is. The class was about 30 minutes long and Tabitha, along with her friend, were the smallest in the class. That didn't stop them from enjoying the water! The swimming lessons will continue for 10 weeks total. Here's to more fun!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My daddy's a rock star

A few months ago, James found this really cute top for Tabitha.

Little did he know at the time, that his namesake, James Durbin, would be in the top 10 for American Idol this season. We don't watch the show, but everyone we know likes to keep us posted on what happens. So now, we make it a tradition that Tabitha wears her "Rock and Roll Forever" top on Fridays after American Idol. She'll probably outgrow the top by the time this season of American Idol is complete. Somewhat fitting, huh....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16 really isn't a day that most people remember, unless of course you were born that day, were married, or there was some other traumatic or maybe exciting event. March 16, 2010 probably won't be a date that I'll always remember but just a year later it's still fresh in my mind.

I remember sitting at a seminar for work when all of a sudden it felt like my muscles in my stomach were twitching. I didn't think much of it, but as it kept happening throughout the day I finally came to the realization of what was going on....that little baby inside of me was kicking and I could feel it! It was probably at that moment that I realized that this little thing existed...something that the initial ultrasound and even hearing the heartbeats couldn't do for me.

For the next 3.5 months after that first kick I think that I could probably feel everything else. As Tabitha has gotten bigger I now understand why it felt like she never slept when she was inside me. She's such an active little girl...always moving around, looking to pick up something, move somewhere else, or jump in her jumparoo.

While I probably won't remember this date forever it holds a special place in my heart for now.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Tabitha's new trick is...throwing! Yes, much to my dismay this has become a regular habit for her. I am not sure where she picked it up, although I would have to say that it's likely from daycare (although the parenting books and magazines just say that kids 6 months to 1 year are exploring by throwing).

Poor Fred has been the victim (more than once) of a flying object. And Tabitha...well she has managed to hit herself (also more than once) while in the process of launching the object.

Let's hope this is "just a phase", which ends rather quickly.


Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here are just a sampling of Tabitha's names that she goes by.... so far:

Baby buckaroo
Ted (Tabitha Elise Durbin)
Fred's little sister

Sunday, March 6, 2011

James told me that this blog is turning into Tabitha's blog. Well, what can I say, our time and life is consumed with not much other than Tabitha. There isn't much to share in the world of James and Elise, and with Tabitha changing every day, well, her life is much more exciting.

But, for those of you wondering, here's what James and I have been up to lately:

  • Work
  • Taking Tabitha to daycare
  • A couple of date days (while Tabitha was at daycare...oh how guilty I felt!)
  • Snowblowing
  • Clearing the snow off of the roof
  • Longing for a vacation
  • Work
  • Laundry
  • Working on the "man cave"
  • Changing diapers (especially yesterday)
  • Getting over one cold after another
  • Work
  • Spending hours at the bank only to try and figure out later what they really changed (although they claimed they changed something, but what we can't figure out)
  • Snowblowing some more
  • Singing the "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "If you are Happy and You Know It", "The Wheels on the Bus", etc.
  • Playing with blocks
  • Work

Well, from that list you get a sense of why I no longer blog about us.....

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We always wonder what Tabitha will be when she grows up. Perhaps, she'll be a pianist...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


On Saturday we took Tabitha swimming for the first time. The city that I work for owns a gym and recently they finished remodeling the swimming pool area--and put in a new kiddie pool area. On Saturday we decided to check it out. We were a little nervous about this because while Tabitha enjoys bathtime, it's a different world in the swimming pool.

There weren't a lot of smiles, but there wasn't crying either. I think that she was just trying to take everything in. There were other kids there that she seemed to enjoy watching as well. After awhile she became accustomed to the water and started to splash in it. By the time we were done she was wet everywhere, including her head and face, but that didn't seem to bother her one bit.

It looks like now we are going to have to get that family membership to the gym!

Unfortunately we forgot the regular camera and while we got some good shots on the phone camera, they all went away after the phone crashed. I guess we'll have to replicate the experience some other time.