Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Swimsuit

So, now that Tabitha is 6 months old, we've been given the ok to go swimming. While auntie Abby gave her a very cute two piece suit, it is size 12 months and right now we are just growing into 6 month clothing (yes, she's a little peanut). Because we enrolled her in swimming lessons starting in March I had to buy her another suit.

Target had several size 6 month suits that I could choose from, so I picked one out and brought it to checkout. The gal at the checkout was very friendly and talkative. When she got to the swimsuit she asked if this was for a doll. I almost burst out laughing...but instead I said it was my daughter. I will probably always remember that question...and someday Tabitha will hear the story and how little of a peanut she was!

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