Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Jumparoo

Tabitha likes to move. Luckily crawling has not been mastered yet; however, she gets impatient after awhile and needs to get her energy out. So, the jumparoo that she got for Christmas has been a great toy for her. I can put Tabitha in the jumparoo and she'll go to town in it for about 30 minutes until she gets bored.

Besides just jumping there are little toys and activities that she can play with to perfect her fine motor skills. She's gotten the hang of spinning the toys and grabbing the toys as well. Once she gets a little older, hopefully she'll figure out that she can move herself in a circle to get to the other toys. Until then though, mommy's happy that Tabitha so willingly goes into the jumparoo and plays by herself so well!

Jump, jump, jump!

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