Sunday, February 27, 2011

A shopping cart ride

Tabitha has been sitting up on her own for about a month now, a few weeks ago when we were out and about, I decided to stop at the grocery store. Since the car seat doesn't fit very well in the cart (and I am too scared to put it on top), I decided that we would try out the child seat.

She obviously loved it by her reaction from this picture. I crammed my purse in there though with her to give her some more padding. Being the wee thing that she is, I thought that she could use some more stability. Perhaps this is a sign that I can now take her shopping more with me!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A future doctor?

Perhaps Tabitha has already realized her future career. As we were doing a photo shoot with the baby one day, James asked me to capture some pictures of her with him. As she became more uninterested in the camera she began to look around for something else to do. I guess daddy's ear was much more interesting....

Friday, February 25, 2011

Yum...carrots...need I say more?

Monday, February 21, 2011


Everyone we know who sees Tabitha reach for a toy is amazed at her flexibility...even I am somewhat amazed, but not really. See, as a gymnast I did not have much flexibility, except when it came to a pike sit (like Tabitha is demonstrating here). I guess this is another way that she takes after her mommy. Now...just to get James on board with letting Tabitha take some gymnastics lessons when she gets older.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Swimsuit

So, now that Tabitha is 6 months old, we've been given the ok to go swimming. While auntie Abby gave her a very cute two piece suit, it is size 12 months and right now we are just growing into 6 month clothing (yes, she's a little peanut). Because we enrolled her in swimming lessons starting in March I had to buy her another suit.

Target had several size 6 month suits that I could choose from, so I picked one out and brought it to checkout. The gal at the checkout was very friendly and talkative. When she got to the swimsuit she asked if this was for a doll. I almost burst out laughing...but instead I said it was my daughter. I will probably always remember that question...and someday Tabitha will hear the story and how little of a peanut she was!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


We have quite the talker on our hands. Little Miss Tabitha loves to talk. While James claims that she says "Da Da" quite often, I told him that it doesn't count until she understands what it means (hence, we still have more time to learn "Ma Ma").

One night a few weeks back she was particularly chatty, and we were able to catch it on video. Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and Tabitha's first one at that. She was really adorable in her Valentine's outfit (which I didn't get a picture of--but trust me she was cute).

I had a night meeting last night so James was responsible for picking up Tabitha. I figured something was up when he asked if there was a florist close to daycare. As I learned later he picked up a dozen roses for Tabitha and then brought them in to her at daycare. I guess she loved them! I am looking forward to hearing all about his surprise for her today when I drop her off at daycare.

Do you think that she has him wrapped around her finger? Ah yes....

Oh and I was told that she might share her roses with me.....

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Tabitha learned a new trick this's clapping! She loves her monkey that sings "If you are happy and you know it clap your hands", and so when it plays we frequently like to do the motions with her. And now she can do the motions on her own (okay, so with a little prompting!). It makes momma so happy every time Tabitha claps now.

Here's a short movie of her clapping for the camera!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Her daddy's eyes

I've finally come to the conclusion that Tabitha has her daddy's eyes. Everyone tells us that, so I guess that I am going to have to accept it. Not that it's a bad thing...obviously I love James' eyes--the beautiful blue that they are. However, he has started taking this to a new level as he consistantly reminds me (as in several times a day) that Tabitha has his eyes. Yes, enough already.... least she has her momma's tongue!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Jumparoo

Tabitha likes to move. Luckily crawling has not been mastered yet; however, she gets impatient after awhile and needs to get her energy out. So, the jumparoo that she got for Christmas has been a great toy for her. I can put Tabitha in the jumparoo and she'll go to town in it for about 30 minutes until she gets bored.

Besides just jumping there are little toys and activities that she can play with to perfect her fine motor skills. She's gotten the hang of spinning the toys and grabbing the toys as well. Once she gets a little older, hopefully she'll figure out that she can move herself in a circle to get to the other toys. Until then though, mommy's happy that Tabitha so willingly goes into the jumparoo and plays by herself so well!

Jump, jump, jump!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The first picture

I often find myself looking back at the "old" pictures of Tabitha. I enjoy this picture a lot because it is the first picture that we have of her. She's about 1 hour old and getting her first bath. Here we are 6 months later, but it will always remind me of my little baby.

Friday, February 4, 2011

6 months

How did that happen...I wonder how 6 months went so quickly?? Is this a sign of things to come for the rest of my life? I mean, I am sure there will be times that I will want it to go more quickly, but I still can't believe my little girl is 6 months old already.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I rarely nap, so when I had the chance to nap with Tabitha I took the opportunity. A nap that started out as the two of us, soon turned into a nap with the three of us. Soon after, Fred became restless and wanted to play, so he insisted on licking my nose to get me up. Thanks to James for capturing the moment!