Monday, September 27, 2010

A productive day

Before Tabitha I used to define a productive day as one that included laundry, dishes, cleaning the house, pulling weeds, baking, cooking, cleaning the garage, etc, etc, etc. I was a little naive in thinking that once she came that I could keep up that level of productivity. Haha! I figured that she would sleep a lot (in her crib nonetheless) and that I would be able to get so much done.

The past 7.5 weeks I have learned a lot about raising a baby--and the biggest lesson--I will not be as productive as I once was. Perhaps this is because when there comes the opportunity to hold your baby--you do, and there comes the opportunity to go on a walk with your baby--you do, and when your baby needs something--you take care of it. A productive day for me now includes making sure Tabitha gets fed when she needs it, holding her, taking her on a 4 mile walk, going to our new mammas class, hanging out with grandma, and reading lots of books. I do manage to get some of my old stuff done...however, not as much as I once did. Oh's about spending time with her and if the house doesn't get vacuumed this second or those weeds don't get pulled for a few weeks then so be. It's much better to spend the time with Tabitha as much as possible!
Spending time on a walk with Tabitha. Both mommy and daddy were able to go that day (daddy's taking the pic).

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