Thursday, September 2, 2010


James and I were probably not the most likely candidates in most people's minds to have kids. I did babysit growing up, but I wasn't one of those that HAD to have a job teaching or doing something with kids...I just wasn't like that. When we got married, no one really bothered us about when we were having kids (mainly because we played off that Fred was our child). It wasn't until I hit 30 that I really decided that I wanted to have kids.

While both James and I like being around kids, I wondered how we would do when we finally made the decision to have one ourselves. Nine months of thinking and waiting went by quickly, and with each day, I grew nervous about how I would react with a child of my own. It seems now though that I had nothing to worry about.

The second that James and I met Tabitha was like everyone says. You fall in love instantly. I didn't believe it when people said that, but now I understand what they mean. It's amazing the instant bond and love you feel. As Tabitha is now 4 weeks old, I know the love has only grown. It's an unconditional love. I look into her eyes and she just melts my heart.

How can she not melt your heart?!

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