Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Marathon

Four weeks ago I ran the Twin Cities Marathon. It was my first marathon (and maybe my last?). I had to decide back in April if I was going to do this or not. I had signed up a few years ago to do it, but between moving and trying to sell a house I just didn't get the same training time in that I should have. I am very glad that I didn't run that marathon as it was 80 degrees and high humidity--not my kind of running weather. Knowing that James was going to be gone for most of the summer I figured this would be a good year for training, so with a little urging my sister (who I have to say somehow loves marathons) I signed up.

A gorgeous day for running!

I was nervous all summer, but when it finally came down to the day of my only goal to was to finish under 6 hours (and remain alive and somewhat able to walk). It was a gorgeous day for running...about 45 in the morning and slightly overcast. You can't ask for better weather. The fans (especially the super husband, parents and brother-in-law) was amazing to see everyone that comes out to watch. My half marathon time was a personal best, but I slowed down considerably after that. In the end my official time was under 5 hours and I could still walk (until the next day that is).

At mile problems yet!

Who knows if I'll ever do another one (although I am regretting now not training harder)...but at this point in time I can say I did and finished a marathon!


1 comment:

Tean said...

YEAH! I'm proud of you! You can say something I'll never be able to say!!! Good Job!