Sunday, November 1, 2009

Up North

Since James was gone most of the summer, we decided that once he got back that we would spend a weekend "up north". In Minnesota "up north" can mean a variety of places, but to us it means the north shore of Lake Superior. We have a lot of great memories from this area, and we usually make a trip up there at least twice a year...once in the summer, and at least once to go skiing.
Two Step Falls at Tettegouche State Park

Gooseberry Falls at Gooseberry State Park

We went during the third weekend in October. The fall colors were gone and there were a lot of families up there since kids statewide had a few days off, but we still had a great time visiting the state parks and just spending time away from the craziness of everyday life.

James at High Falls at Tettegouche State Park

The view from our room

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