Sunday, September 14, 2008

It's hard to believe that we've been in this house now for a year. Time flies! While I would like to think that we've gotten a lot accomplished in terms of making the house a home, we haven't done as much as I wanted to have done within the first year. This summer we worked hard and added six new trees (two of which have already died...thank goodness for warranties though!) and a new patio.

Our most recent addition was done last Saturday (yes...done in one day thanks to help from my mom and dad). We added landscaping on the south side of the house. The grass there was quite bad as the builder didn't do a good job putting down topsoil (I think there's maybe 1/2 of an inch) and they conveniently forgot to water it right before we moved in. We've been apologizing to our neighbors who have had to look at it for the past year. But, now we are done! If we can just get the north side grading fixed before the snow flies and the yard re-seeded then I would say it was a successful home improvement year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even my mother-in-law said it was well done... She's Martha Stewart. Too bad she doesn't like the color of our basement- but I still think it rocks.