Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A quick, but much needed trip

Last week James and I took a quick trip out to Washington, D.C. We arrived late on Wednesday night, but due to other pre-scheduled things we could not start touring until Friday afternoon. We toured Friday afternoon and all day on Saturday. We saw as much as we could, but really only made it to the big sites like the Capital, the White House, the memorials on The Mall, and Arlington National Cemetry. There are SO many places to see while you are there that you definitely cannot do it all in one day, one week, or probably even one month if you were to truly take time to see everything.

Every time I visit D.C. I get chills when I think about all of the great things that many of these memorials and other sites represent. Whether they are events or famous Americans they represent so much of our country's history. I do not have a favorite place to visit while I am there because they each mean something. While in many cases I have not had direct involvement with anything, they all have had an impact on my life as an American.

James and me at the White House.

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