Sunday, March 30, 2008


Easter was a week ago, but with my crazy schedule this past week I am finally getting around to getting my pictures downloaded onto my computer. I went to visit my grandma in Lincoln, Nebraska since no one else was visiting her. That meant that I left James and Fred at home since James had to work. I felt bad, especially since it was James' birthday, but James and I thought that it was best to visit my grandma.

I had a great time. The weather was nice (well, at least warmer than MN and without the 9" of snow they got while I was gone) and I had a good time catching up with my grandma.

Both of my parents grew up in Nebraska, but much of my extended family on my mom's side still lives in Lincoln. I see some of the them occassionally, but have never really met some of my second cousins. I found one of my second cousins on Facebook, and we have been keeping in touch. I had met her twice before, but never really got to know her that well. This time when I came to Nebraska I got to spend more time with her and really learn more about her. I had such a great time. It's finally nice to get to know some more of my relatives!

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