Sunday, March 30, 2008


Easter was a week ago, but with my crazy schedule this past week I am finally getting around to getting my pictures downloaded onto my computer. I went to visit my grandma in Lincoln, Nebraska since no one else was visiting her. That meant that I left James and Fred at home since James had to work. I felt bad, especially since it was James' birthday, but James and I thought that it was best to visit my grandma.

I had a great time. The weather was nice (well, at least warmer than MN and without the 9" of snow they got while I was gone) and I had a good time catching up with my grandma.

Both of my parents grew up in Nebraska, but much of my extended family on my mom's side still lives in Lincoln. I see some of the them occassionally, but have never really met some of my second cousins. I found one of my second cousins on Facebook, and we have been keeping in touch. I had met her twice before, but never really got to know her that well. This time when I came to Nebraska I got to spend more time with her and really learn more about her. I had such a great time. It's finally nice to get to know some more of my relatives!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Spring is almost here. The weather is getting nicer, the snow is melting, and water is coming in the basement. These are all tell-tale signs of spring. However, before I get too happy about spring, I do catch myself remembering that March is typically the time that it snows...a lot! But we can dream.

A few weeks ago...well, a month already, James and I went skiing. Pathetically, it was the one and only time that I made it out this year. At least we went for two days to Lutsen.

While I like winter, despite being cold all of the time, there is always something wonderful about spring...the birds chirping, the sun staying up later, and the trees blooming. However, I know that just around the corner is summer when it is hot, humid, and I feel miserable all of the time. Until then though, I'll enjoy every minute of it!