Sunday, January 6, 2008


It's hard to believe that 2007 is done and over with. I always look forward each year to the month between Thanksgiving and New Years. It is a busy and hectic time, but it's also a time to spend with friends and family.

This year went particularily quickly, but it also gave us a chance to celebrate the holidays in our new home. We had a holiday party this year, which was a lot of fun and we were surprised at how many people came! I guess we do have friends!

My family celebrated Christmas this year on New Year's Eve. Our surprise was eating dinner in my parents' formal dining room on the fine china. For the first time in nearly 29 years I've been alive I finally got to eat in the dining room. It was a treat and my mother made a wonderful meal of prime rib and duck.

Christmas 2007 was a year to remember!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First and last time I eat with your mother's china. What the hell was she thinking?? Note: nothing was broken :P