Sunday, January 27, 2008


This morning I was making a pot of coffee for my husband who was getting up way too early. I am not a coffee drinker, but always have liked the smell. As I opened up the coffee and put the 2.5 scoops that I was told to put into coffee maker, it smelled like old times past.

As the coffee began to brew, I remembered back to the days when I stayed at grandma and grandpa's house. They always had coffee in the morning and I remember the smell as I woke up for the morning. I remember watching my grandpa read the newspaper with his cup of coffee in his recliner. Eventually my grandma would get breakfast on the table and the family would all come and eat, sharing all sorts of stories together (some stories which my grandfather told I could never believe).

Things have changed since that time. My grandpa passed away in September 2006, but everytime I open up that coffee for my husband, it takes me back to a time when life was so much simpler. I also think about the 50+ years my grandparents were married, and how I hope that my husband and I have that same long lasting relationship.

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