Sunday, December 9, 2007


Last weekend we enjoyed our first major snowfall of the year. It's been several years since we have seen this much snow so early in the year. I ended up spending the weekend baking and putting up the Christmas tree. The snow just puts me in that festive mood.

I love when the snow's so beautiful and white and peaceful. While I live in Minnesota though, it doesn't mean that everyone here likes snow or knows how to drive in it. The first snowfall always proves a challenge for people. On Tuesday we received more snow just in time for rush hour, and I guess that it took a lot of people many hours to get home. I was in Mankato that afternoon, but it took me less time to get home that evening than it did for many!

I did envy my husband who got to go skiing on fresh snow on Monday. I wish I could have gone with him! Oh well, if this much snow this early in the season is any indication of the rest of the winter to come, I think I will have plenty of chances!

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