Saturday, December 15, 2007


Fred is my 7-year old Birman cat, and for anyone that knows me, Fred is my baby (and James' too). We pamper this cat more than we would any child. This morning for instance, he started licking my face and meowing at me at 4 a.m. wanting to be fed. I worked hard to ignore him and he left me alone for a bit, but by 5 a.m. I gave up. It was just too much to let the little guy's tummy bother him.

I adopted Fred from a co-worker who had two male Birman cats that just were not getting along. The first night I had Fred all he did was meow and fun away from me, and I thought that I was making a huge mistake. But, finally he started warming up to me; however, by then I was ready to take my trip to Australia, so when I got back I had to start all over again.

I was first dating James when I adopted Fred, and he hated cats and did not want me to get Fred (at that time his name was "Zach"). However, my sister told him that if he really loved me that he should let me get the cat. So, he did but told me the only only condition to me getting the cat is that we call him Fred. Thus the name. (Note: I was going to get the cat whether or not James wanted me to...just to clarify.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a handsome devil I am! No one is cooler than me or deserves more attention. Did I mention how handsome I am?