Friday, February 5, 2016


Yes, you read the title of the post correctly.  In September Tabitha started Kindergarten. While it seemed to have happened so quickly, we spent almost a year preparing for it.  Between deciding what school to send her to, if she should do Spanish immersion or just English, registration, visit days and more, we were all ready for the first day to come. 

On the first day there were some nerves. The teachers at Explorers Club (the before and after school program) were wonderful and so helpful to introduce her to other kids, to get her to participate, and even send me an email on the first day after seeing my hesitation to leave.  We also have a fantastic teacher who's love and passion for teaching is evident.  She also has the patience to handle 21 kindergarten students each and every day.

Now that Tabs has been there for many months, she's a pro at everything it seems like.  She certainly owns and runs the place and definitely looks forward to picking her younger brother up at daycare so she can be the big Kindergartener.

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