Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Back on the wagon...

In September I said I was going to get caught up with my blog posts.  Obviously that didn't happen as life threw more busyness our way.  My hope is now that things have slowed down somewhat I can start getting caught up.  I blog as a way for family and friends to keep up on what we are doing but also to have memories for the kids.

So, I left off in June with a visit by Aunt Mary.  A few weeks later, James' mom came to visit us.  We had a great time together and the kids loved having "Indiana Grandma" stay at our house.  We can't wait to have her back again.

While she was here Tabitha had her dance recital. It was fun to watch her confidence on the stage.  Apparently dancing in front of a theater full of adults has no impact on her.  Like last year she was front and center and did a fantastic job!  It capped off another successful year of dance class.


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