Saturday, February 28, 2015

The first haircut!

Last Sunday we decided to finally take Jake in for his first haircut.  It's been a long time in coming as we've been contemplating this for about 2 months.  Jake did a great job...just sat still and enjoyed the action.  Now, he looks a lot baby is no longer a baby.




Even Tabs got in on the action last weekend.....

Monday, February 23, 2015

Tonight was another evening worth savoring.  After a few moments to myself after dinner, I joined the rest of the family in the basement.  Jake was wandering around playing with toys and practicing his standing and Tabs was watching Care Bears when I came down.

First, I just sat on the floor watching them.  Then, I remembered that I had a Care Bear my grandma made for me.  Amazingly I remembered right where it was and grabbed it for Tabs.  She looked in awe at it and couldn't believe I had just produced it for her.  She thought it was soooo cool that "heaven grandma" made it and it was now hers to keep despite a few stains and a very worn looking body.

After that fun with Tabs, "Super Jake" started curling up in my lap, then climbing off, then curling up and hugging me.  He soon got tired of that and we then started taking turns playing the xylophone.  He would bang away and then hand the mallet to me.  I took my turn and handed it back.  We did this over and over for quite awhile.

Even though it was only 20 minutes of this tonight, it was the best 20 minutes of the entire day!


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

What a day!  I'm not sure I would change anything about today and it is rare that I can say that on a regular basis.  Everyone woke up happy this morning, there were no complaints about breakfast, and no rushing out the door for dance like a normal Saturday.  James took Tabitha to dance with Jake while I went to run a 5k.  I felt pretty happy about it considering it was -30 wind chill and my clothing added about an extra 10 pounds just to keep warm.  

Later in the day james worked some magic, ditched cable and is saving us big money!  This evening we went out for a yummy dinner where everyone was happy.  Finally we ended the day with playtime that was quite.

Yay for great days!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Crafts by Tabitha

Tabs loves her crafts.  She wants to sit down with someone and make something.  So, for Christmas she got a bunch of different crafts to do.  One of the first crafts we sat down to do was pot holders.  While a little tricky for her, she certainly showed her fine motor skills with the one.  In the end, with a little adult help, she had a brand new potholder for us to add to our drawer. 

Tabitha's potholder is on the right.  The potholder I made with my grandma about 20 years ago is on the left!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Who needs a dog when you have Jakey...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just some birthday selfies with my Roos from Monday....