Saturday, January 31, 2015

2015 has started out more than crazy!  Weekdays are busy enough between work, school, dinner, and having just about an hour as a family before bedtime routines start.  While I would like to say that the weekends are a bit calmer, it hasn't been so far and February doesn't appear to slow down any either.  

With that said I haven't blogged much in January...not that there hasn't been anything happening because there has.  But before I get too far into 2015, I better recap the end of 2014.  We had a nice quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Santa came, we went to church and spent a few hours with my parents.  That evening we decided to depart for Indiana to see James' mom.  We thought we would try the drive through the night trick with the kids since it is a minimum 10 hour trip. This actually worked quite well, even in Chicago where the highway lights seemed like an airport landing strip.  But what we came to realize is that James and I can't pull all-nighters anymore (although, those of you who know me, know I could never do that when I was young!).  We spent a few great days in Indiana playing with grandma, visiting the Children's Museum and just relaxing.

As we headed home, we decided that we would only drive halfway and spend the night in a hotel.  This was a much better decision, and we've decided that as we plan trips to Indiana in the future that we will do it this way, staying overnight at places the kids might enjoy like Wisconsin Dells and Chicago.  Later in the week we had Christmas with my family.  My sister and her family drove up and we had a lovely time catching up and watching the cousins play together.

Finally, to wrap things up we had friends from up north in town for a few days, so we got to hang out with them one day letting the kids swim together.

All in all it was another great Christmas.  The decorations are down now, but that doesn't mean that Tabitha doesn't add in a "Hark the Hearld Angels Sing" in between Taylor Swift and Echosmith.

Here are some fun pictures from the holidays! James has more in his blog at

Cookies for Santa...unfortunately Santa lost a cookie to Jake's tummy.

This is what happens when daddy's in charge...she wanted an "Army tattoo"

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