Wednesday, July 9, 2014

100 days of 50

I'm halfway there...I wasn't sure what to write about, that was until I emptied the bag from daycar and saw the million pieces of art that Tabs brought home today.  She loves to color and be creative!  Last year when I saw the artwork piling up I wasn't sure what to do with it all.  It's all lovely (most of it) but I just don't have the space to keep it, so I decided that I would take a picture of each masterpiece and then put together a photo book.  I then felt better about throwing out the pieces (however I did keep a few of my favorites).  It worked so great, so I decided to do that again this year.  I'll make a photo book at the end of the year, but until then I'm just trying to keep up on taking the pictures.  Here are some samplings of her work!

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