Thursday, July 31, 2014

100 days of 72

Throwback Thursday...nearly 4 years ago to the day.  Waiting for Tabitha to make her grand entrance (and being scared to death that we had made a really big mistake).

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

100 days of 71

Happy eight month birthday Jake!  You are growing up so quickly.  We love you!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

100 days of 70

Today's moments of happiness revolve around Tabitha and her love of things a lot of peoe don't like.  First, the dentist.  Tonight she accompanied me to the dentist.  She loves going to the dentist and so she wanted to see what it was like me.  She got right up to the chair and intensely watched the hygienist every move.  Then we got home James had picked a tomato...not a cherry tomato but a large one.  In about 5 minutes she had downed the entire tomato just like if she ate an apple.  I love tomatoes but I won't just eat them like an apple.  It's not the first time she's eaten one like that either.

I love my little girl!

Monday, July 28, 2014

100 days of 69

This picture is from Saturday but it makes me smile each time I see it.  Jake was a bit fussy while his sister was having quiet time so I thought that we would try the empty box trick since both Fred and Tabitha enjoy it.  I was right....he loved it! Of course then the second I took him out Fred was right in there!

                  Tabitha in her box!

                   Fred in his box!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

100 days of 68

What can I say about these two?  They love each other and they love Costco!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

100 days of 67

We had a great time exploring the zoo today with some other BSUers.  Even though it was warm out the animals were active and fun to watch.

Friday, July 25, 2014

100 days of 66

Why did the turkey cross the road?  To get back to where he came from.  Ahhh...this turkey made me giggle today. He had no idea what he was doing and just wondered all over the place!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

100 days of 65

Throwback Thursday....okay so it's a throwback to two weeks ago.  This is what the three of them do when I am at a night meeting!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

100 days of 64

Even though Fred's a pain and is naughty how can you not love this furry little beast who always greets us at the door???

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

100 days of 63

It always feels good to get up and go for a run first thing in the morning.  I have so much energy the rest of the day and want to eat healthier as well (well most of the time).  While I like running, today's run at 5am was a bit uncomfortable at a temperature of 80 and a dew point of 76.  Oh well...nothing like a good ol' fashion sweat!

(The pictures of tabs running are so much cuter than looking at me!)

Monday, July 21, 2014

100 days of 62

Today was Tabitha's first swim lesson as a "frog".  What this means is that mom or dad is no longer in the water with them.  She did a fantastic job tonight and was not scared to get in, get her face wet or to blow bubbles.  Way to go Tabitha!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

100 days of 61

We had more fun swimming today.  While it's been a mild summer, it is nice to have those warm days where we can se and eat freezey pops!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

100 days of 60

We had some fun today.  We had some times that were not so fun today.  Sometimes when we get to those not so fun times, we just all need a nap!

Friday, July 18, 2014

100 days of 59

Time outside, playing, dancing, reenacting Frozen, and finally reading books.  What a great night!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

100 days of 58

Woohoo!  I got a DQ date today!  Peace, quiet and some ice cream.  All on a beautiful day!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

100 days of 57

This little guy had a double ear infection a few weeks ago, and unfortunately we found out the hard way this week that it had not gone away.  Today he is doing a lot better.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

100 days of 56

This picture was taken on July 4, but it's so amusing.  All three of them were sitting there watching me make some spinach dip to bring to a party.  It's like they couldn't wait to taste test it!

Monday, July 14, 2014

100 days of 55

I love how my girl loves to get dirty and messy but can still be a princess at the same time!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

100 days of 54

Grandpa had a free ticket to the All Star fan fest, so Jake and I went with him to check it out.  We had a great time checking out the exhibits and Jake had fun watching all of the people!  

Saturday, July 12, 2014

100 days of happiness...say 53

It's amazing how bath time can change a very fussy baby into one very happy baby!  How we love bath time.  I'm pretty sure half of the water was on the floor after all of the splashing!

Friday, July 11, 2014

100 days of 52

Babbling!  Jake is now babbling.  Such fun to listen to him.  Even more fun it is trying to babble over Tabitha's non stop talking.  I wonder if Jake will be as talkative as his sister????

Thursday, July 10, 2014

100 days of 51

Its time for another throwback Thursday.  This picture was taken nearly two years ago to the day!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

100 days of 50

I'm halfway there...I wasn't sure what to write about, that was until I emptied the bag from daycar and saw the million pieces of art that Tabs brought home today.  She loves to color and be creative!  Last year when I saw the artwork piling up I wasn't sure what to do with it all.  It's all lovely (most of it) but I just don't have the space to keep it, so I decided that I would take a picture of each masterpiece and then put together a photo book.  I then felt better about throwing out the pieces (however I did keep a few of my favorites).  It worked so great, so I decided to do that again this year.  I'll make a photo book at the end of the year, but until then I'm just trying to keep up on taking the pictures.  Here are some samplings of her work!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

10 days of 49

This picture makes me laugh.  This is what happens after a no nap, Target and swimming filled day will do.

Monday, July 7, 2014

100 days of 48's amazing how one scent can bring you back in time.  Tonight I was looking for diapers to bring for a baby shower game for some coworkers.  I had a few unpackaged diapers but found an unused half package of newborn sized diapers.  Opening the package to get them out I immediately smelled the freshness and baby like scent the diapers possessed.  And, because they are the same brand they use at the hospital it reminded me of our time there with both kids when they were born and also reminded me how quickly they are growing up.  

Tabitha--august 2010

Jacob--November 2013

Sunday, July 6, 2014

100 days of 47

It was a day of firsts....

Jake's first shopping cart ride as a big boy.

Then it was our first swim in the pool this summer!  Yay!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

100 days of 46

Tonight, after dinner, we all sat on the patio listening tousic and watching Tabs dance.  It was the perfect evening for just hanging out!  What a great end to a productive day!

Friday, July 4, 2014

100 days of 45

Happy 4th of July.  Nothing better than barbequeing with friends and then watching a parade!