Sunday, June 29, 2014

100 days of 40

Yesterday was too much fun, so today's happiness comes from looking at pictures from yesterday's festivities.  We went to the Minnetonka Summer Festival yesterday afternoon.  Tabs was so excited about her fun run, but we were worried about whether they would have it or not because of the incoming rain.  A storm had just gone through and more storms were on their way.  Luckily, the race was timed just right...and she did great!  After the race we met up with a friend, but that's when the rain started and did not let up.  Unfortunately, the rest of the evening's activities were cancelled with the exception of open skate...something else Tabs has wanted to we tested that out as well.  Finally, we ended up at Tabitha's friend's house for some pizza and just hanging out.  I'm pretty sure it was one of the best days of Tabitha's life!

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