Monday, June 30, 2014

100 days of 41

Happy 7 month birthday Jake!  I can't believe we are more than halfway to your first birthday.  Likes..smiling with his tongue out, belly laughing when his sister does something inappropriate, sitting up, petting Fred, and talking stroller rides outside!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

100 days of 40

Yesterday was too much fun, so today's happiness comes from looking at pictures from yesterday's festivities.  We went to the Minnetonka Summer Festival yesterday afternoon.  Tabs was so excited about her fun run, but we were worried about whether they would have it or not because of the incoming rain.  A storm had just gone through and more storms were on their way.  Luckily, the race was timed just right...and she did great!  After the race we met up with a friend, but that's when the rain started and did not let up.  Unfortunately, the rest of the evening's activities were cancelled with the exception of open skate...something else Tabs has wanted to we tested that out as well.  Finally, we ended up at Tabitha's friend's house for some pizza and just hanging out.  I'm pretty sure it was one of the best days of Tabitha's life!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

100 days of 39

We've been waiting for the farmers market all winter and today was the first day we made it this year.  First stop was to the honey sticks.  Someone just couldn't wait!

Friday, June 27, 2014

100 days of 38

After spending countless hours at the Mall of America this winter taking Hake on strolls, it's nice to be able to walk outside. It seems Jake enjoys it too!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

100 days of 37

I figured I would always be a girl who read her books as a hard copy.  But recently I downloaded a couple of free e-books and within the past week have finished them.  Now I checked out my first library e-book.  I'm loving the way I can read on my phone anywhere that I may be.  While I will always enjoy the real copy...I'm finding there's other ways to enjoy books too!

100 days of 36

Happy birthday to my cutie pitutie niece.  May your second birthday be awesome Miss Emma!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

100 days of 35

I love having things the kids made me in my office.  Just looking at them all day makes the day go by so much better!

100 days of 34

So, I thought this got posted yesterday but apparently not.  

Such a silly little boy I have.  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

100 days of 33

This gets me every time....Tabitha had a sleepover at grandma and grandpa's last night.  James just couldn't wait to get his little girl back today so he sat outside waiting for her return. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

100 days of 32

This is one from yesterday but it still makes me laugh today.  I picked the kids up from school yesterday and as you can see from the picture below there's a little pond going in the parking lot.  However, much to my amusement, two ducks were making the best of the situation!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Thursday, June 19, 2014

100 days of 30

We've gotten so much rain lately...flooding everywhere, gloomy skies all the time.  Normally I love rainy days but this getting even too much for me.  So, trying to find a bright spot in all of this came up with two things:

1.  The sprinklers have barely gone off this year...making my water bill much lower than it would normally be.

2.  Watching Tabitha play in the rain...she loves to get dressed up in her rain jacket, boots and umbrella!

A picture from last fall!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

100 days of 28

Tonight I had some girl time with old friends.  While it's been almost 4.5 years since we've seen each other it's like we were able to pick back up with everything.  No photos to share this evening, but just lots of great memories!

Monday, June 16, 2014

100 days of 27

I love how well the kids get along.  Inevitably it won't always be that way but I find it so fun when Tabs tries her hardest to make Jake laugh. The other day Jake had the best time watching her ride her bike.


Sunday, June 15, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014

100 days of 25

Today we got to watch Tabitha's first dance recital!  It was so much fun and she had a blast dancing so well.  It was so much fun seeing her have fun!

To check out the really cute photos see James' blog at

Friday, June 13, 2014

100 days of 24

This little guy and his good nature...only does hunger and sleepiness make him crabby (makes me crabby too).  He's one to laugh when his sister gets in his face or does something she's not supposed to him!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

100 days of 23

It's so nice to have everyone together under the same roof again!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

100 days of 22

Earlier this spring Tabs was getting the hang of riding her bike.  Well, a few falls later she's scared and gave it up until this past week.  Each night after school she's wanted to practice because she learned that practice will make her better.  Tonight she was determined to do it all by herself again!  And guess what...she did! She was proud of herself and I was equally as proud!

This picture is over a year old but still a good one!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

100 days of 21

I'm thankful today that my kids either tolerate shots or in some cases love them.  Jake had his six month shots today and while he cried a little the second I picked him up he stopped.  Tabs of course then asked when she could get her flu shot.  I told her to wait a few months and then we could...she was very disappointed she didn't get any.

Jake tonight after his shots.

Tabs after shots...probably at about 4 months.

Monday, June 9, 2014

100 days of 20

Tonight I have no pictures for the post.  Instead it will just be the memory of the 20 minutes outside after dinner.  The kids won't remember the day, but I will.  Tonight it was a picture perfect evening...70 degrees and sunny. After dinner Tabs got her blue freeze pop and I sat with her and Jake in the grass.  Jake had fun feeling the grass and I listened to Tabs tell me about her day and show me her blue tongue.  Everyone was will likely be one of my fondest memories of motherhood!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

100 days of 19

I love watching the kids play at the park and judging by the looks on their faces they enjoyed it too!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

100 days of 18

While I enjoy hanging out and playing with the kids...I'm still an introvert and like my quiet time.  As you can imagine that doesn't happen much.  Although for the past hour and a half I have been doing that.  Tabs and James are at ballerina school and Jake's taking a nap.  Yes, I cleaned and did laundry during my quiet time but I now have the feeling of accomplishment.  I have a feeling that is all ending as Fred is now in line for some attention!

Too cute as he sleeps (yes he's sleeping on just the mattress because his bedding is in the wash!)

Friday, June 6, 2014

100 days of 17

What else do I have to say besides "Hello Kitty".  Everything from the hat, shirt, shorts, and socks!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

100 days of 16

I had to laugh when Tabitha picked out this outfit yesterday.

While she has shorts on they are so long that they were more like capris.  The funny thing about it was that I was also wearing capris, a tank top, and a cardigan.  Not to mention but my hair was also pulled back in a ponytail.  Like mother, like daughter!  (Note, I was getting dressed myself at the time Tabitha picked this out so in no way did I influence her!)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

100 days of 15

It's been a few days since we have listened to the "Frozen" soundtrack, so when Tabitha asked to listen to it this morning on the way to school, I didn't secretly roll my eyes like I normally do.  Instead, I turned up the music and Tabitha and I belted out "Let It Go".  When the song was done we both looked at each other and laughed....what a great way to start the day!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

100 days of 14

Ahhh...loving the many silly faces the kiddos make!

Monday, June 2, 2014

100 days of 13

Today was a long day.  While I don't have many night meetings, it doesn't make it any easier to be away in the evenings.  On these days I drop the kids off at school at 7:30 am and many times I don't see them until 6:30 am the next day.  Luckily technology makes it a little easier to get through the day without seeing the kiddos.  Between texts, photo texts, and over 1000 photos and videos to look through on my phone it all helps!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

100 days of 12

I'm so lucky that we live close to my parents.  They help us out with so projects, advice and helping to watch the kids.  It was an unusual day where both James and I had work (yes, on a Sunday) so my parents agreed to watch the kiddos for us.  I hope they loved it as much as Tabs and Jake did!

(They also like hanging out with the furry baby too!)