Monday, September 9, 2013

A weekend of firsts....

We had a few firsts around this house over the weekend with Tabitha.  

1.  First dance lesson (or as she calls it...ballerina school).  After taking endlessly for weeks about dance lessons, it took half of class for her to go into the studio.  Once she got into class though she had a blast!  She is excited that we have many more months of this.

2.  First Sunday School class.  Now that Tabs has hit the 3 year old mark it seems like she can do everything.  There was a bit of hesitation at first, but when Tabs saw her teacher she went right to class.  She must have learned something because when I asked her what she learned about she said King David.  According to her take home sheet she was correct.

3.  Mastering the pedaling for a bike.  We bought tabs a bicycle this past spring but really hadn't ridden it much.  She got very frustrated with trying to pedal and quickly gave up.  All of a sudden though the pedaling clicked and now she can't get enough of it...even on 95 degree afternoons.

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