Sunday, September 15, 2013

Backyard camping

Since James and Tabs had so much fun camping last month with friends, he wanted to do it again with her in the backyard.  With the weather being picture perfect yesterday they decided that from dinner on that they would be in the backyard.  They had a great time and at about 7:30 a.m. they both came inside happy and well rested!

Dinner time!

Anxiously awaiting S'mores!


Inside the tent and ready for bed

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Here's what happens when you give your phone (on camera mode) to a 3 year old....

I do have to say that there were a lot more...luckily she got to the end of the memory on the photo app and it stopped taking pictures and videos until we erased some of them!

Monday, September 9, 2013

A weekend of firsts....

We had a few firsts around this house over the weekend with Tabitha.  

1.  First dance lesson (or as she calls it...ballerina school).  After taking endlessly for weeks about dance lessons, it took half of class for her to go into the studio.  Once she got into class though she had a blast!  She is excited that we have many more months of this.

2.  First Sunday School class.  Now that Tabs has hit the 3 year old mark it seems like she can do everything.  There was a bit of hesitation at first, but when Tabs saw her teacher she went right to class.  She must have learned something because when I asked her what she learned about she said King David.  According to her take home sheet she was correct.

3.  Mastering the pedaling for a bike.  We bought tabs a bicycle this past spring but really hadn't ridden it much.  She got very frustrated with trying to pedal and quickly gave up.  All of a sudden though the pedaling clicked and now she can't get enough of it...even on 95 degree afternoons.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Today I had to choose only 5 to 6 pictures to print for Tabitha's next class project--a family collage.  It was nearly impossible to narrow it down.  As I was going through the pictures to figure out which ones to use I came across some really great ones of her and her daddy.  Many of these I'm sure I've posted before, but it's hard to resist....

Tab's first day

Proud Daddy!

Fun at the zoo

Giving his baby a kiss during his marathon

First bike ride

Frosting on the face

Naptime...what the three of them do the best

Christmas 2012

Daddy's birthday

Tabitha's first bike

Painting her piggies

Loving this photo...what a surprise to find on my phone!

Monday, September 2, 2013

A trip to the State Fair

Today was Tabs first trip to the "Great Minnesota Get-Together". After an extremely hot week today ended up being perfect--in fact maybe a bit cool first thing in the morning.  We enjoyed part of the day exploring the barns, eating unhealthy food, and playing.

              On the bus to the fair.

             Trying her first mini donut

                Petting the animals

                  First carousel ride