Saturday, June 22, 2013

Another Zoo Outing

We've managed to go to the zoo quite frequently lately.  It's always entertaining and Tabs certainly knows her way around.  We recently went on really the first nice day we've had this year (or so it seems) and decided to walk the outdoor trails.  I had recently heard that the African animals were there for their temporary summer exhibit and couldn't wait to see them.  As we got to the exhibit we saw the opportunity to feed the giraffes.  I just knew that we had to do that with Tabitha, but in the back of my mind I wondered if she would really do it or not.  Since we weren't first in line she watched the others to see what they were doing.  When it was her turn there was no hesitation about feeding the hungry giraffe.  While she won't remember this more than likely we did end up capturing the moment for her to look back at!

After she was done feeding

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