Saturday, March 30, 2013

Potty Trained!

While I would like to say that Tabs was potty trained in record time I know that that's not true.  I've heard of people that had their kids trained by one.  While I thought that would be awesome, Tabs couldn't talk or walk at one so that would have been pretty difficult.

At about 18 months though Tabs started showing interest, so we just went casually about introducing her.  Not forcing her or making a big deal.  At the toddler room at daycare they also casually helped her in her interest to sit on a big potty.

Around Christmas time we started to try and make an effort to potty train her.  We put her in underwear, took her to the bathroom each hour and she stayed dry most of the time.  However, they just couldn't do that at daycare until she got the hang of it--and since that is where she spends 40 hours a week we knew it would be tough.

In January she moved up to the young preschool room.  It's here that they push the potty training all day long.  Within the first week of her being in that room she was wearing underwear all day except at nap.  Within a few weeks she was wearing underwear all day.  By February she was completely potty trained--30 months...not bad!

I will spare you a picture of Tabs on the potty.  But will show you her underwear.  Can you guess who's on there?

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