Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Egg Fun

On Saturday we decided to get into the Easter spirit that we would dye some Easter Eggs.  We haven't done this with Tabitha before, but seeing some of the art projects they do at school we figured this would be easy. She did a great job listening and following directions.  Tabitha had such a blast that she asked if we could do more.  That would be fine...but who would eat all of the eggs then?  Until next year...or at least later in the year!

Ready to go!
She has her dying stations all set up.

She loved this one the best.

Tabitha's masterpieces!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Potty Trained!

While I would like to say that Tabs was potty trained in record time I know that that's not true.  I've heard of people that had their kids trained by one.  While I thought that would be awesome, Tabs couldn't talk or walk at one so that would have been pretty difficult.

At about 18 months though Tabs started showing interest, so we just went casually about introducing her.  Not forcing her or making a big deal.  At the toddler room at daycare they also casually helped her in her interest to sit on a big potty.

Around Christmas time we started to try and make an effort to potty train her.  We put her in underwear, took her to the bathroom each hour and she stayed dry most of the time.  However, they just couldn't do that at daycare until she got the hang of it--and since that is where she spends 40 hours a week we knew it would be tough.

In January she moved up to the young preschool room.  It's here that they push the potty training all day long.  Within the first week of her being in that room she was wearing underwear all day except at nap.  Within a few weeks she was wearing underwear all day.  By February she was completely potty trained--30 months...not bad!

I will spare you a picture of Tabs on the potty.  But will show you her underwear.  Can you guess who's on there?

Friday, March 29, 2013

I would have to say that Tabs got the good hair genes.  Don't get me wrong...I love my thick hair; however, it is stick straight and no matter how much I curl it, by the end of the day it's still straight.

Tabs on the other had got James' hair.  Yes, he has curls though it is hard to tell under that short haircut of his.  Each morning I ask her how she wants her hair...curly, in one pony, or two ponies.  Lately she's been opting for the curly look with a headband.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Some things never change....My grandma said this was a sign of contentment.
1 week old

2 1/2 years old

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Here is the war wound from today...the teachers told me it looks a lot better now than earlier.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Harmonica playing

One of James' birthday presents was a real harmonica from his brother.  As soon as he started playing it, Tabitha wanted to play too.  I think James is going to have to keep this "toy" hidden from Tabitha otherwise he may never get another chance to play it.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Photo Bombed!

Haha...I was looking through old photos from Christmas and came upon this one.  We had all just gone out for brunch while Abby and Emma were still in town and the kiddos were playing in the playroom at grandma and grandpa's.  I was going to take a picture of Tabs all dressed up like a princess.  When I looked back at the photo there's a little blondie in the background smiling at the camera that grabs your attention.

Too cute!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Happy Birthday James!

In case you missed it, yesterday was James' birthday.  While we had to go to work and didn't have anything planned for the evening, we managed to at least celebrate his birthday a little bit after dinner.  Tabs and I came home early from work to make him a special ice cream cake.  Everybody had a great time and even Tabs liked the ice cream!

Happy birthday to our favorite guy!

I won't tell you how old James is, but let's just say he had 1/10th the number of candles as his age :)

Father-daughter moment

Friday, March 22, 2013

Doctor, doctor

A while ago, James downloaded an Elmo book on his phone about going to the doctor.  For awhile it was just a book to read, but now it has become a daily (if not multiple times per day with each parent) activity for her to "play doctor".  It's fun to watch her imagination go wild.  She prefers looking at your teeth, nose and listening to your heart (yes, and all while dressed as Tinkerbell).

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Just a quick middle of the day's what I am looking at as my desktop picture while I'm working. Looking forward to seeing that smiling face at 4:45 this afternoon!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Snow fun!

We spent part of each day this past weekend outside enjoying what will likely be the last of the snow (hopefully!). Tabs had a blast being dragged around on the sled, eating snow, making snow angels and building snow castles.

While we had a blast we are looking forward to spring!

One cool cat....

Ready to go with her sunglasses and stickers.  Life doesn't get much better!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Even sillier....

I think she takes after her daddy....

A wet kiss!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Such a silly girl

Just acting goofy while eating her Rice Krispies one morning....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


I was going through the pictures in my phone tonight and came across this one. Tabs and I were enjoying a comfortable afternoon on the patio when she climbed up on the chair and laid down.

What I would give to know what was going on in that head of hers!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

If Tabitha could be re-named she would name herself Cinderella.  She's so in love with that character.  It's fun to watch her dance around, hold her dress like a princess, wear her crown, and sing the songs from the movie.

Also at the home remodeling fair a few weeks ago (see previous post), they had a face painter.  Knowing that Tabitha would likely have problems keeping stuff on her face, daddy got her an arm painting.  Bet you can't guess what it was of???

Sitting so well!

Liking what she is seeing.

All done!  A proud owner of a temporary Cinderella tattoo!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Tabitha the builder

A few weeks ago I had to work the home remodeling fair for work.  James and Tabitha decided to stop by, say hi, and break up some of my day.  I encouraged them to come because I knew that they had a kids workshop area.  While I was a little nervous about letting Tabitha have at it with a hammer, she did great and had a lot of fun.  Here's to many more fun arts and crafts activities to come!

Ready to go with her safety googles on!

Helping daddy hammer.

All done!  A heart basket made by the girl in the ballerina outfit :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Puzzle Master part 2

She's mastered her 25 piece puzzle so we moved onto her 48 piece puzzle. It took some time and a few hints but she put the entire puzzle together on her own!