Sunday, July 1, 2012


Last weekend we went to Summerfest...Tabitha's first festival.  She had a blast and definitely was entertained.  There was so much to do and to see, and much to mom and dad's delight she came home hungry, happy, and slept well. 

In particular she loved the petting zoo!  Other than petting Fred and the occassional bug, she hasn't really pet any other animals.  Well, last Saturday she had a blast petting all sorts of animals from sheep, goats, llamas, ducks, chickens, and a dog, there was no shortage of laughter and jumping up and down.  I couldn't stop smiling as I watched her having SO much fun!

I am told we need a llama now for a pet.

Tabitha:  Whoa...a llama...he's big!
Llama: Are you seriously going to let this kid touch me? Does she know what she's doing?

Gentle pets!

So soft!

Hello Mr. Goat



Hello ruff!

What are you doing down there?

In for a closer look!

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