Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dear Mother Nature:

In case you have forgotten, we live in Minnesota. Minnesota is known for having four seasons--winter, spring, summer, and fall. It seems somehow that you have completely forgotten spring. Last month at this time it was cold and we were getting flurries. Now, it's June and you've decided that it should be record setting hot at 95 to 100 degrees. What happened to spring? I've barely had time to plant my flowers and garden and now you are trying to kill them with your heat. I know you are trying to make up after the long winter, but trust me, this isn't the way to make us happy. Please bring back spring...in case you haven't checked the calendar lately, it's still spring until June 20.

Thank you.

PS--Florida has called and would like it's heat back.

Tabitha cooling off in her pool. I am pretty sure more than half of the water was splashed out of the pool by the time she was done.

1 comment:

Tean said...

Love the pool! I hope it's not that hot when we come visit in July!!! Hope you are all staying cool!