Saturday, April 16, 2011

Longing for spring...

We got a taste of spring last week...60 and 70 degree days, sunny, and just perfect. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the winter, but when winter starts in mid-November with a large snowstorm and snow is on the ground until April...well, we all start to get a little tired. So, when the days got nice last week we took a walk. Finally, a chance to get out of the house! With the tulips coming up and the birds singing, how can you resist not being outside.

That all has abruptly come to an end for now. As I write this it is snowing (once again) outside. A fresh layer of snow now covers the ground. While it won't last for long--hopefully not more than a few hours--it is just wrong. Did Mother Nature forget that it is April 16? I know that in a few months, when it is 90 and humid outside I will be begging for this day again. But, until then can we just have some spring?!

Tabitha says "Flowers make me happy". But she is wondering where they all are right now!

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