Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Simplest of Toys

Tabitha has a lot of nice toys to play with. She loves to play with them all, and even though we rotate them around so she doesn't play with them all at once, she does like new things to play with.

Usually these are the simplest of first it was the tupperware. Then it was her socks and shoes. Now it has become the empty ice cream pail with the wooden spoon. How this "toy" amazes her and keeps her occupied for minutes (in Tabitha time that's a long time) at a time.

Friday, April 29, 2011

All I want for Easter...

Okay, so Easter has come and gone, but all Tabitha wanted was her two front teeth (the bottom ones that is). Well...guess what?! She got them! They aren't all of the way out yet, but they are sticking out. The poor little girl. There were some tough moments with them....but a little chewing and a lot of drooling, and a bit of tylenol helped.

Two many more to go???? Oh, and that's right, we get to do it again once she loses her baby teeth. Ugh.

She does not readily show off her new pearly whites. This is about as close as I can get with her showing them off.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Go Abby Go!

Good luck to my little sister as she runs her first Boston Marathon today! You are a rock star!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Like brother....

Like Sister....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Longing for spring...

We got a taste of spring last week...60 and 70 degree days, sunny, and just perfect. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the winter, but when winter starts in mid-November with a large snowstorm and snow is on the ground until April...well, we all start to get a little tired. So, when the days got nice last week we took a walk. Finally, a chance to get out of the house! With the tulips coming up and the birds singing, how can you resist not being outside.

That all has abruptly come to an end for now. As I write this it is snowing (once again) outside. A fresh layer of snow now covers the ground. While it won't last for long--hopefully not more than a few hours--it is just wrong. Did Mother Nature forget that it is April 16? I know that in a few months, when it is 90 and humid outside I will be begging for this day again. But, until then can we just have some spring?!

Tabitha says "Flowers make me happy". But she is wondering where they all are right now!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

See how they grow

The lovely ladies of my new mama's group have gotten together several times since class ended last September. What fun it is has to get to know these women, the babies, and the spouses. Additionally, it's been fun to see what they've been up to. I met these women when the babies were between 2 weeks and 1 month old. Now we are entering the 8 and 9 month old stage. Oh how fun it is to see them move and play with each other and to see how they've grown up and how their personalities have developed. Here's to a great group of friends!

September 30, 2010

October 31, 2010

January 22, 2011

April 2, 2011 (Notes: Tabitha is so small--and obviously not having a good day on Saturday!)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Tabitha hasn't mastered moving yet, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't like to get about. Occassionally, when she is motivated, you'll find her far, far away from the spot that she began in.

For example, what started upright at the far right side of the green blanket (near the monkey on the blanket), turned into falling over, then rolling around until she ended up by the couch. She seemed rather content and proud of herself that she made it that far. Additionally, the little book (by her head in this picture) made the journey with her.

It will be soon that she'll be crawling and we won't have a down moment, but for now, it's fun to watch her move.