Monday, September 7, 2009

1st day of school

Tomorrow marks the first day of school for most kids in Minnesota. It reminds me of all of the great first day of schools that I had growing up. The first day was usually the easiest, unless there was a transition to a new school involved (think first day of middle school or first day of high school). The fresh new backpack, school supplies, and new clothes. I remember that as we shopped for new school clothes, I usually had my first day outfit picked out months in advance. I even had those first day school clothes picked out in college.

Now that I have been working full time for 7 years (yikes!), there are no more 3-month summer vacations and no more first days of school. While I wouldn't trade my job, I would love to go back for those first days.

One of my sister's first days of school. I don't (but I know my mom does) have any pictures of myself.


Anonymous said...

Yes Elise, I do remember your first day of school and the picture I have is of you and Trisha Kitzman. It was hot and sunny that fall (there was no air conditioning in your school). The picture you have of Abby is her first day of Preschool in Cedar Rapids. (Those were the days)

Love, Mom

The Pendills said...

I do get to have a first day of school, and it's always nice to have a fresh start. I also have a few embarassing first day pictures. One of Kindergarten with a really bad hair cut, and another of my brother and I in our Zubaz. Yikes!