Thursday, June 18, 2009

The hero

My husband is a hero. Yes, as in someone who saved someone else's life.

A few weeks ago coming home from church, we drove by what looked to be someone who had just driven off the road and wrecked their car. But, as we got closer, we noticed that there were a few other ordinary citizens giving a woman CPR because she had a heart attack. James immediately stopped the car and jumped out the second that it was put into park. James and another fellow Army person gave this woman CPR until the ambulance arrived. After awhile James left because he was no longer that time we thought the woman would never survive as she still was not breathing.

Until today we did not know what happened to this woman. James received a letter in the mail from the Prior Lake police department thanking him for his life saving actions. This woman had survived, miraculously.

Earlier that day I complained that we did not fill up the car with gas before church, but rather we waited until after church to do it. I do think that God had planned this all out. He wanted us to fill up with gas after church because then James was positioned to help saved this woman's life. It's amazing how he works.

I have always thought that my husband is an amazing person, but this just proves it even more!

1 comment:

Tean said...

Wow Go James! It's amazing the ways God works through us if we let Him.