Saturday, October 11, 2008


It's been a long time since I've taken a whole week off of work. Typically I only take the last half of the week off, but James decided back in August when we cancelled our trip to Africa that we should go somewhere closeby for a week. He did all of the planning and last week we went to Canada, Mackinac Island, and then down to Indianapolis.

In Canada we took an all day train ride into the wilderness to see the fall colors. It was SO beautiful! The pictures here definitely do not do justice to what we actually saw.

After Canada we went to Mackinac Island. What a great place! The island, with the exception of the 500 or so residents that actually live there, is only open May-October. We were there when all of the shops were still open, but also when they were counting down to the end of the season. I loved that there are no motorized vehicles on the island, that a bike ride around the entire island only takes 45 minutes, that you were on Lake Huron and could see Lake Michigan in the distance, and that they make awesome fudge!
We ended our trip in Indianapolis by visiting James' parents, two of his brothers, two nieces, and one nephew. It was a great trip, and of course reality hit when we had to go back to work this past week. Oh well. I am looking forward to our next adventure....wherever that may be!

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