Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Is it winter yet?

I thought that we would make it through the summer without a really hot spell this year. However....I was wrong. It's so hot outside that I cannot wait for winter to get here. I hope it snows tomorrow (wishful thinking).

Friday, July 25, 2008

Crazy Cat

Right before I left for work today I notice how crazy Fred was sleeping. He was facing the back of the couch with his face smooshed against the side. How uncomfortable! I don't understand how he can sleep like that and not get a kink in his neck. I went to grab my camera to take a picture, but he woke up. Here are some of his other crazy positions.

Yes, he really did fall asleep like this. I just don't understand.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Operation Baby Bunny Rescue

Last week as I was cleaning up more storm damage, I noticed some baby bunnies in our makeshift compost area. Somehow they had ended up inside the fenced in area and were not able to get out. So, I took things into my own hands and helped the cute bunnies out so they could eat someone else's garden besides mine.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Storm

Last Thursday we had a severe storm come through while I was at work. Around 4 p.m. James called me to say that he had just read on the Star Tribune website that around 98th Street and Old Shakopee Road in Bloomington had gotten nailed by the storm. I freaked out because of the beautiful evergreen trees we had just planted less than two weeks earlier.

When I got home all I saw when I was pulling into the driveway were branches everywhere. But, as I did a walk through of the yard I just saw that they were very large branches from the big trees. Thankfully and miraculously the branches had all missed our new trees. We got away lucky as many neighbors and houses around us lost big trees.

Throughout the weekend I then had the privilege of picking up the rest of the branches and breaking them down so that the yard waste collector could pick them up. I just hope that the severe storms they are predicting for tonight don't do any damage.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The camping thief

Over the 4th, James and I went camping up at George H. Crosby Manitou State Park. We had to hike 1.5 miles into our campsite, so we thought that it would be a good idea to bring the bear vault with to store our food. We decided to invest in the bear vault (a small container that locks on top and is made of plastic) so that we constantly wouldn't have to hang our food so that the critters wouldn't steal it at night.

On Friday night we had the bear vault full of ice so that our breakfast (eggs and sausage) would stay cold for the next morning. We had brought s'mores supplies out with us, but we were so tired we only wanted 1 s'more each and therefore had leftover food. Because it wouldn't fit into the bear vault we figured that we would put it in James' hiking pack and put it up off the ground.

Saturday morning I awoke to the sound of an animal close to our tent making a lot of noise. I frantically woke James up and made him go out and take a look (being the manly husband that he is he did it without protest). We soon discovered the little squirrel pictured below had snuck into James' pack and took the chocolate and was on his way with the marshmellows and graham crackers. He was already the hyper little squirrel just squirreling away his new treasures...can you imagine how he would have felt after eating the chocolate and the marshmellows. Poor little guy probably had a stomach ache.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

It's been a while since I've been on. I promise new posts later this week.