Monday, June 30, 2008

The Forest

While our property has some really mature trees, they don't do much to block the noise from the very busy roadway next to our house. So, James and I took matters into our own hands this past weekend. We ended up buying 6 trees and with the help of my parents planted them in less than one day. While they look tiny now, the hope is that in a few years they will provide not only a visual barrier between the house and street, but will also mitigate some of the sound of the street as well (especially those big semis).

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Getting Older

As I approach a milestone birthday next year, I am suddenly reminded how old I am getting. Over the past six years I have attended (and had my own) a lot of weddings. Last night, I attended the wedding of my parents' next door neighbor's daughter, whom I used to baby-sit when she was little. Just last year my "little" sister got married. And...all of these other weddings...they are my friends who are now having kids.

This all goes to remind me that I am getting older. Soon, I will no longer be a twenty-something. I am now someone who has a career, someone who has to act like an adult, someone with a house, a yard, and a cat. There are times when I wish I could go back to being in college, but I enjoy what I have now and look forward to the times ahead.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fred's Birthday

Today our "child" turns 8. As usual, there will be a birthday party for him, but he will have to wait until Sunday when his "grandparents" come over. case you are wondering, we do spoil him rotten.

Fred's 7th Birthday in 2007.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

My husband and I joke that the "job" of our cat is to go on patrol while we are at work. He's guards the house from all intruders and immediately greets us at the door when we get home to let us know how the day was. Here is Fred on the job...watching from the upstairs bedroom window.