Friday, March 27, 2015

All it took was two full days in the toddler room and this one finally decided to show me his walking skills.  He has not used them tonight but I'm hopeful that in the next few days he will do it all of the time!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Poor Fred...

I have nothing more to say than poor Fred.

Monday, March 23, 2015

I'm a day late on this, but happy birthday daddy Prince Charming!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Beauty and the Beast

Since December I've been keeping a secret.  Anyone who knows me knows how difficult it is for me to do this; however I wanted to have a special surprise for Tabitha.  Beauty and the Beast, the Broadway musical was coming to town, so I picked up tickets for a mother-daughter date. 

Last weekend was the show and I didn't tell her until we were almost to the theater.  She had a blast.  You know why I know...her teachers at school said she won't stop talking about it!  I see more of these in the future!

All dressed up

Waiting for the LRT train 

Yay for mother-daughter dates

Excited to be here!

At intermission...she was obsessed with the rose and noticed details about it that I didn't.

Friday, March 13, 2015

We like to repurpose around this house...Tabitha's favorite outfit these days is a dress which has now become a shirt for her.  

December 2012

February 2015

Thursday, March 12, 2015

These two certainly love each other!  There are (usually) never enough hugs and laughs to go around.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Almost spring!

It's hard not to take advantage of the beautiful weather.  Tonight we rode bikes and sat in our chair just enjoying the weather.  Is spring here yet?  Probably's likely just a tease but there's no denying its around the corner!