Wednesday, December 24, 2014 24

Elfie brought a special gift of new pjs and a special Christmas book to share together!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Elfie...days 22 and 23

On day 22 we learned how Elfie was getting back and forth from the North Pole.

On day 23 Elfie picked up Tabs' cold and took it easy.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Jake's new trick

Starting yesterday Jake has learned to play peek a boo.  He loves playing this game as we eat.  He gets such a kick out of it and can't stop laughing, which in turn makes the rest of us laugh!

Elfie...days 20 and 21

Day 20...

Day 21...Elfie was reminding us to play music for the Lord!

Saturday, December 20, 2014 19

A few hours late, but Elfie showed his love to us yesterday.

Thursday, December 18, 2014 18

Ahhh...I guess Elfie needed a bath today.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Loving the milestones....

I love it!  It seems like each and every day holds something new with Jake.  Today Jake decided that he was going to blow us kisses. It's much too cute and he does it with a huge smile on his face! 17

It seems that Elfie has gotten into "Frozen" as well this year.....

Tuesday, December 16, 2014 16

Tabs was a great helper in the kitchen helping me to bake cookies this past weekend.  Elfie noticed and decided to try put a cookie himself.

Monday, December 15, 2014 15

I usually have first dibs on finding Elfie every morning as I'm up before everyone else.  As,I was looking for him this morning, I realized that even I couldn't find him.  So, I began a search and rescue mission for Elfie.  It became apparent that he lost his way either to or from the North Pole, which isn't surprising with all of the fog we've had recently.  Luckily the mission was a success as he was found behind the piano.  As I went to get ready for the morning the little guy found some of friends and gathered them for a group photo.....

Hopefully Elfie's photo turned out less blurry than this one!

Sunday, December 14, 2014 14

Today, Elfie reminded us the reason for the season.  Performing in two Christmas programs over the weekend reminded Tabs and the rest of us what a beautiful time of year it is.

Saturday, December 13, 2014 13

Once again, Elfie brought some good stuff for us from the North Pole.  Tabs thought they tasted a lot like Cheerios.

Friday, December 12, 2014 12

Elfie brought "magic" snow from the North Pole today (and a mess along with it 😉)

Thursday, December 11, 2014 11

Today Elfie reminded us of the story of how Jesus feed thousands from 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 10

Elfie was found this morning having some fun!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014 9

Today Elfie reminded us one to do something special for someone else.  The cookies were gone when we returned home from work!

Monday, December 8, 2014 8

Today Elfie was found doing a check up on Elmo (note:  Elmo was found to be in good health!).

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Jake's growing up!

Even though Jake is a compact little guy, he has been doing some growing up in recent weeks.  Over the past week he has learned how to stand up.  He's not standing alone yet, but uses a little help.  He's also taken a great interest in walking.  I now remember why I didn't miss this stage as my back hurts from walking while holding his hands.  He has also decided to sprout a whopping four new teeth in the past two weeks.  He went from having two teeth for about three months to sporting six total chompers.  And when I say chompers, I mean chompers!  I learned this the hard way by accidentally getting my fingers in the way.  Yikes!

I'm sure Jake will surprise us with many more new things in the upcoming weeks! 7

Today we found Elfie enjoying a sledding trip down the stairs.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Friday, December 5, 2014 5 Elfie thought that he would find a catalog and some toys the kids might like.  When I told Tabs what the note said (Gift ideas for Tabitha and Jacob), she looked at the items circled and said "well, I don't want those things".   Guess Santa's going back to the drawing board!

Thursday, December 4, 2014 4

Today Elfie made a surprise visit in the bathroom.  He was covered with floss and had toothpaste on him to keep encouraging Tabs to do a good job brushing her teeth.

Elfie day 3

I'm a bit late with this one but yesterday we found Elfie had done some decorating.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Another Jacob milestone...

Much to our surprise tonight, Jacob decided that he was going to stand up.  We were all on the couch and Jake was on the floor. He crawled over to the couch, and barely grabbing on, he put one foot down, pushed up on it, then the other foot down and up he went.  We all cheered so loud for him that it frightened him and he started crying.  

Way to go Jake! 2

Yesterday we learned that one of Tabitha's teachers has cancer.  A sweet gal who is much too young to be fighting such a horrible thing.  To help everyone through this, Elfie wanted to make sure that we made something special for her.  He went through my "special" craft supplies and found some good stuff to make a card with.  This evening when we returned home from school, Tabs sat down and made her a beautiful card....even writing out "Get well soon Miss Missy".

Monday, December 1, 2014 1

Elfie...our resident Elf returned this morning, much to Tabitha's delight.  Yes, it was a looong letter from Santa but a good one this year.