Sunday, November 30, 2014

Happy 1st birthday Jake!

It's been one year...hard to believe how fast it all went.  My little guy is not a little baby anymore. He's a budding little person with personality and smiles!  I love his sweetness and how he'll turn around and give you the biggest grin....reminding you how good life really is.  

Likes:  toys, exploring, "petting" Fred, eating, crawling, and smiling

Words:  dada and mama (yeah...he said mama today!!!)

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours!

Monday, November 24, 2014

With Jake's first birthday less than a week away I thought that I would list some of my favorite things that he does.

1.  His toothy smile.  When Jake smiles its big!  He's now sporting the three tooth look.

2.  The way he claps when you put in him his high chair. Make sure loves his food.

3.  The way he bops up and down when listening to music.  It's too cute (now if I could just catch it on camera).

4.  The way every time you try and get him to say mama, he says dada instead.

5.  His big blue peepers.  Jake's eyes are usually the first thing that people compliment him on.

6.  His love for playing and exploring.

7.  The way he gets excited when Fred comes around him.

8.  The way he waves bye-bye. Jake just flops that little arm of his's so darling.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Love letter

I had a love letter waiting for me on my nightstand last night.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Today tabs and I got a little time together--just one on one girl time.  We went out for lunch where tabs got Mac and cheese and I got a chicken sandwich.  We did share the yummy chocolate malt.  Next we braved the saturday afternoon crowds at Target.  It was nice just to have a few hours to ourselves and catch up on some laughs and being silly.


Thursday, November 20, 2014

First words....

About 3.5 years ago Tabitha surprised us with her first word...Dada.  While we were excited, I wondered how long it would be until she said Mama.  So, when Jake was born, my hope was that Mama would be his first word.  Unfortunately that wish did not come true.  

This morning the kids and I were all in the kitchen getting ready to head off to school. James came down the stairs and before anyone could say anything Jake turned his head towards James and shouted Dada!  It was too cute not to laugh at it, and of course Jake was very proud of himself!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

It  was a bongo drumming sort of night....

Friday, November 7, 2014

To Burrrmidji....

3 weeks ago we headed up to Bemidji for BSU's homecoming.  There was lots to do...the gala, soccer game, a new state park to check off our list and fun in the hotel pool.  The kids were great travelers, loved the babysitter, and had lots of fun. Mom and dad enjoyed a night out with adults, a weekend focused on fun, and spending time with the kids!