Thursday, October 30, 2014

Happy 11 month birthday, Jake!

Likes:  food (any and all of it), taking Tupperware lids out, crawling, pulling Fred's fur, bath time. 

My baby is growing up so quickly....

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I'm a day late, but yesterday this little guy decided he's a crawler now (even though it's backwards).  Go Jake!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Counting, counting

During our long communtes home,tabs and I have been working on our counting skills.  Over the course of the past two months I have seen her counting skills increase so much!  It's great fun to listen to her count and then see her excitement when she figures out what comes next.  Today we made it up to fifty, and also counted backwards from 10 to 1.  Go Tabs!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Jake hit another milestone today in the world of movement.  He went from laying down to sitting up.  Can't wait to watch him learn more things!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Blood Moon

This morning I had the pleasure of watching the Blood Moon and lunar eclipse from the comfort of my home.  These pictures certainty do not do it justice.

This is the second time this week that I have seen a spectacular moon.  On Monday as I was out for a morning run, the nearly full moon was red and extremely large setting on the horizon.  I have never seen the moon so large before!  Unfortunately I don't carry my phone/camera with me on my run, so I didn't capture the awesomeness of it.

The moon is actually red in this last picture but you just can't tell.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Tupperware....entertaining kids for hours since 1948 (well, at least for 20 minutes at a time).

Saturday, October 4, 2014

With the impending frost coming this evening, the garden was put to bed today (with the exception of one pumpkin).  As I was blanching the carrots to put into the freezer, I came upon this one.  It just makes me smile.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Today I helped chaperone Tabitha's class to the pumpkin patch. It was rainy and cold but when Tabitha looked at me on the bus ride and said "I love you mom. Thanks for coming with me today", I knew it didn't matter how wet or cold out it was, but that we were going to have a great morning together!