Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Happy 10 month birthday Jake!

I can't believe that Jake is 10 months old already!  He has two teeth, the biggest smile, and a (pretty) easy going temperament.

Likes:  food, wagon rides, toy tow truck, banging things together, getting his fingernails clipped (I'm not kidding), bath time, and watching his big sister at dance class.

Dislikes: being smothered by his big sister and having to play by himself.

Bad habits: pinching and hair pulling.

Good habits: smiling, laughing, and exploring.

Friday, September 26, 2014

A perfect ending to a crazy busy week.  Just getting ready to roast some s'mores and enjoy the fabulous weather!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Apple picking....

A Durbin family tradition since 2011




Tabs and Jake...2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A waving machine

Over the past month, every once in awhile we would get a wave from Jake.  Suddenly today he decided that he would become a waving machine.  Waving to his teacher, waving to Tabitha's teachers, waving to mommy, waving to daddy, waving to Tabitha, and even waving to Fred.  What a fun day!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

The very busy spider....

We spied this very busy spider in one of our trees today.  While a little shocking to see, we quickly learned that it is a common garden spider.  While intimidating looking, it is not poisonous. One of the things unique to its web is that there a zigzag pattern in the middle.  We also learned that it sits heads down in its web.  All these things this spider showed us.  Such fun finding science in our own yard!


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Throwback Thursday

Here's Tabs at nearly the same age as Jake (and then of course a picture of Jake).

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tabs and her bike

Over the summer Tabs confidence level while riding her bike has grown exponentially.  Because we live in a busy part of the city she's been subjected to riding on the driveway.  This weekend however we thought we would venture out.  Because we are up so early, I thought we would try the sidewalks around our house on Saturday.  She did great so on Sunday, I decided we would go a little further.  As we kept going I eventually ended up seeing if she wanted to go to the park, which is about a mile away.  She was so excited about it.  She did great making it there and back on her bike and doing lots of playing in between.  I'm so proud of her!!