Saturday, May 31, 2014

100 days of 11

I looked in my purse this morning and saw this.  I had to laugh as I could only envision why Tabs did this.  At least all my credit cards were still there!

Friday, May 30, 2014

100 days of 10

Nothing makes me more happy than celebrating birthdays...and today is this little guy's 6 month birthday!  Favorites include Sophie the giraffe toy, eating any sort of food that's put in front of him, his sister's silly antics, being outside, smiling with his tongue out, and snuggling with anyone who will hold him.  Time surely has flown by!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

100 days of 9

I'm an early riser.  Always have been but these days it feels even easier in order to get everything done.  After this morning's shower at 5:30 I was preparing to head back downstairs when I hear two chatter boxes in Jakes room.  Both kids were awake, happy and entertaining each other.  It was too cute this morning!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

100 days of 8

I wasn't sure what to put down for today at first.  It was a good day and the battles of parents-children were minimal.  And while that itself should make for a happy day, watching the kids at dinner time tonight made me see the unconditional love that they have for us.  I admit that 95% of the time we have a battle with Tabs, she is the first one to apologize.  Now, she's smart and knows that's the way to our hearts but most of the time she is genuinely serious with her apology.  She loves us and is always desiring to please us.  And Jake...well, he loves any attention he can get!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

100 days of 7

After months of planning and a week preparing I have a new garden...a new square foot garden!  This is all thanks to James who spent many hours getting it together.  The seeds are planted and I can't wait too see this year's crop!

Monday, May 26, 2014

100 days of 6

I love this time of year...not too cold and not too hot (usually).  On top of it, everything is blooming and green.  Our neighbor's tree is one of the best things because it's beautiful and also smells soooo good.  Most years it only lasts a day or two because it rains or is really windy, but this year it's been about a week of this awesomeness!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

100 days of 5

Today we spent time at Afton State Park. It was Tabitha's 7th state park and Jake's first.  It was the perfect day for hiking and picnicking!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

100 days of 4

These two get along so well together right's so much fun seeing them play together.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

100 days of 3

This little guy is so mellow. Other than when he's hungry not much bothers him.  I just love the way he sticks out his tongue when he smiles!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

100 days of Happiness...Day 2

The best part of my day was watching and listening to this little girl sing her heart out.  Tabs practiced so hard for weeks on her songs and knew them like the back of her hand!  

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

100 days of Happiness...Day 1

I've seen people on Facebook lately doing 100 days of happiness where they post something that makes them happy about that day.  So, I've decided that I'm going to try it.  Here we 1....

My awesome, knowing I had a conference call when I got home from work, picked up something from the grocery store and had it almost done cooking by the time I got home with the kids.  I didn't have to rush dinner and could relax just a little before my call.  

Sunday, May 18, 2014

A bowl full of mush....

The time has come for Jake to eat real food.  We started a few weeks ago and he's enjoyed the rice cereal...even letting his sister feed him.  This weekend we tried some sweet potatoes (not good...he very much disliked them) and carrots (definitely better than the sweet potatoes).  My boy is growing up!

One of his first bites!

Not digging the sweet potatoes

Carrots are much better when you wear them!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I've been replaced....

A few weeks ago daycare was closed for Good Friday, so the kids visited me at work.  As you can see, I've been replaced! (Plus, I was told not to come back unless I had a princess crown on...kiddingly of course).