Monday, March 31, 2014

Go Twins!

Even though the Twins didn't win today, the kids had fun getting ready to root for the home team!  (Thanks Tina for borrowing us stuff for Jake). Everyone at school thought they were dressed so cute today, especially when they saw that they matched!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Since late January Jake has been wowing us with his rolling from tummy to back skills.  Just this week he has learned the back to tummy roll.  What could be better than that?  Oh...if only he would do it when I am watching!  He did it his first time at daycare on Wednesday. And now he's done it twice today at home...but each time my back has been turned.  Maybe he will wow me with his new trick soon! 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I feel better, so much better..thank you Doc for taking all the ouches away

Last night was fantastic!  Ok, so most nights are but we got home from work/school and everyone was in a good mood, everyone ate all their dinner, and we all just chilled in the living room together without any meltdowns.  It was great!  

As we were all sitting on the floor together, Tabs decided that Jake had an ouchie that needed to be fixed.  She went to work with her doctor's kit and made him feel better. Jake didn't even seem to mind and I think he really liked it as he was all smiles!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

Jake's teachers at school tell me all of the time how happy and easy going Jake is.  This picture shows his good nature.  Loving the dimples on this cutie!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

It's the annual Fred-the-cat shedding season....he's at least a pound lighter after this brushing.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tabitha:  Mom!  It's the first day of spring today.

Me:  Yes, you are right Tabitha.

Tabitha:  If it's spring, then why is there still snow on the ground?

Me:  Good question.  We would all like to know that.

With that said I went to look for some stats.  I found this from NBC which sums it all up....pretty much every day of winter was below freezing...and many of them were below zero.  Welcome spring!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Yes, I'm letting Tabitha go dressed like this to school today.  Halloween pants and blue socks.  It just wasn't worth the battle this morning!

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Just trying to get the "Big Sister" and "Little Brother" together for a picture....

Friday, March 7, 2014

Thank you Pinterest....

Yes, Pinterest is a time suck. Yes, Pinterest has lots of ideas that if I even try to think about making, I fail immediately.  Yes, Pinterest is the land of dreams when I see all of the creative ways to organize a house.  But, Pinterest has been successful for me in two areas...1. New meal and dessert recipes (must of which have been successful), and 2. Great craft ideas for gifts.  With my time at home this winter I was able to make some cute things for Tabitha's class.

A snowman jar for her teachers at Christmas. Those old baby food jars came in handy.

Fun straws for Valentine gifts.

And finally, a special frame for daddy for Valentines Day.

Here's to many more creative ideas!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

I go back to work full time in one week.  While I've been easing into work mode the past few weeks, I'm certainly going to miss cuddling with this cutie on the cold afternoons.  There's something about this smile that warms my heart!