Friday, February 28, 2014

Last Thursday started out beautifully.  It was warm, like 35 degrees, and the while the sun wasn't out, it still seemed okay.  However, we all knew what was coming....the weather people had been talking about it for days.  It first was to rain, and then the snow would come.  The weather people got it right this time, and the roads are still a mess because of it over a week later.

There is a bright side to this gloomy story.  It was finally warm enough to go outside and play.  That hasn't happened much this winter.  So, while Jake and I couldn't go out and play, I sent Tabitha out to play on the deck where I could watch her.  She had so much fun and it was fun to watch her playing and making things!

And she ended the time with a little "warm" chocolate to warm back up again!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

When momma's at work, dad's in charge!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This came in the mail to us yesterday...20 day vacations, around the world via private jet, 4-star hotels, and private National Geographic tour guides.  A dream vacation for sure. The cheapest trip is $62,000 per person.

Someone out there thinks we are rich.  Would anyone like to contribute to our dream vacation fund and be willing to watch two of the cutest kids you've ever seen 😉

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Tabitha went to her first movie a few weeks ago.  It was a mommy-daughter date to see "Frozen".  It was a blast!

Last week we decided to look for the music online.  Like Disney movies of years past, this one has the fantastic music to go along with it.  Seeing Tabs enthusiasm for the music we splurged for the CD so we could listen to it anytime.  She's since fallen in love with it.  (Even Jake has gotten into it...cooing as we belted out the songs).

At the movie theater.

Listening and singing to the music.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

I love tummy time...that is until I get bored.  When I do I just roll myself to my back!