Saturday, November 16, 2013

Marathon Man

Last month James completed his second marathon!  He was dedicated to training all hot summer long, and in the end it paid off, as he bettered his time by about 45 minutes from his first marathon.  Way to go!

Waiting for daddy!

Almost halfway done

A quick kiss at mile 12

Marathon Finisher!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

A trip to Seattle

I had the opportunity to attend a conference in Seattle a few weeks back.  The rest of the family "invited" themselves along, but we ended up all having a great time.  While I didn't get to see the sights like the rest of the family, I was able to take time one afternoon to join them for a little touring around town.  For more pictures you should visit James' Blog:  Professional or James Photography.
Riding the monorail (Yes, I was there for a rail conference, so we took public transit everywhere!)

It's hard to see with the sun, but I was able to capture, Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Baker, and Mt. Hood as we were flying into Seattle.

View from the Space Needle.

Upside down

Family photo fun

Tabitha loves practicing her ballet moves.  The crowd at the Space Needle didn't deter her, either.

This was the highlight of the trip....the day before, James and Tabitha got to know the monorail driver, so when they saw him the next day, Tabitha immediately asked if she could honk the horn.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Fun Halloween

I am a bit behind in getting this post up (sort of like everything else in life these days), but Tabitha had a great time participating in Halloween festivities last week.  At three, she now seems to understand (somewhat) what Halloween is all about--well at least the candy and goodies that is.

Last year after Halloween we ended up buying a 3T costume on mega clearance and much to our satisfaction she enjoyed wearing it and was really excited about it this year.  Tabitha had a great time dressing up in her costume for "ballerina" school, then for a parade at school, and finally on Halloween night to go Trick or Treating.  Despite the cold weather she had a great time and can't wait to do it again next year!

At the parade at school

During her halloween party...glad I got to leave.  All of the sugar and kids, I can't imagine what the rest of the day was like!

Ready for Trick or Treating!